We Embrace New Opportunities and Strive to Constantly Improve
At PBDC, we’re focused on organizational excellence and building-up our people so that together, we can reach even higher levels of performance.

Justin Spence
Ron Fidler
Cyril Potolicki
Henry Wilson
Kevin McGillivary
Edwin Jebb
Ex Officio
Nicole Tornquist
Youth Chair
Gloria Lavallee
Norman Head

Ginger Martin
Chief Executive Officer

Ginger Martin
Chief Executive Officer
Ginger Martin
Chief Executive Officer
Ginger Martin is the Chief Executive Officer of Paskwayak Business Development Corporation. Over the next five years, she’ll be leading a focus on being more efficient and competitive in an effort to grow OCN community business and investment revenues to $33M. As CEO, Ginger understands that change is always a challenge, which is why she is committed to building a working culture that bravely embraces new opportunities and strives to continuously improve. Ginger oversees an expert executive team that’s exploring new opportunities in heavy industry, manufacturing, land leasing, aerospace, agriculture and tourism – all growth industries where OCN can claim a significant competitive advantage. The main goal is always to provide rewarding employment opportunities that will give OCN people even more reason to stay and take active part in rebuilding. She believes that OCN’s strongest competitive advantage rests in its youth. They are the true source of OCN’s future progress and independence. With so many young people looking for opportunity and hungry for change, she has committed PBDC to actively reaching out to schools and to the community with programs that will bring forward a new generation of young entrepreneurs with fresh ideas and new energy. Ginger comes to PBDC head office from Otineka Mall where she was the general manager. Her career background also includes heavy roles in accounting and finance.

Lee Sinclair
Director of Operations

Lee Sinclair
Director of Operations
Lee Sinclair
Director of Operations
Lee Sinclair is the Director of Operations for PBDC and oversees its portfolio of current businesses including Otineka Mall, Paskwayak Gas Bar, Kikiwak Inn & Conference Centre and Paskwayak Gravel. Her leadership and operational strengths come from significant management and senior finance roles with Swampy Cree Management Services, Opaskwayak Health Authority, and PBDC before its most recent restructuring. She has often lent her business perspective and experience to a variety of boards including the Opaskwayak Education Authority, Opaskwayak Lands Authority, and Rod McGillivary Care Home. Lee is pursuing her certification as an Aboriginal Financial Manager through the Aboriginal Financial Officers Association. She currently has a diploma in business administration and a certificate in business accounting through University College of the North in The Pas. A proud OCN member, Lee spends quality time out on the trapline with her family. She is passionate about her community and Cree language, and passes this knowledge on to youth through the Land Base Program at Kakepaskak camp.