We Help Our Community Navigate the Waters of Change
At PBDC, it’s our mission to help steer our Cree people and resources on a clear path that will economically benefit OCN and help move its social progress forward.

We’re building a working culture that bravely embraces new opportunities. Only then can we realize the full potential our ancestors envisioned.
Founded in 1987, the Paskwayak Business Development Corporation (PBDC) is a holding company owned in full by the Opaskwayak Cree Nation (OCN). PBDC’s main objectives are to pursue business, investment and economic development opportunities that will grow OCN wealth and help it provide quality social programs that support our community.
Our Vision
Paskwayak Business Development Corporation will be a major economic force in Manitoba and the largest employer in our region.
Our Mission
Paskwayak Business Development Corporation will generate wealth through profitable business management and corporate operations, which will provide increased opportunities for training, employment and private business ownership.
PBDC manages a range of businesses and investments in high-performing sectors such as retail, commercial leasing, hotels, cannabis, and more. Our community owned corporation also provides assistance to members looking to get into business with coaching, business and operations planning, finding startup capital, management training and ongoing support.
Paskwayak Business Development Corporation initiatives, investments and programs provide the Opaskwayak Cree Nation and its members with the most valuable of benefits, specifically the freedom to make their own choices.