We Take Great Care to Honour the Ways of Our Ancestors

Guided by our Elders, we weave our culture and traditions into our approach, which means making sure our business focus falls-in-line with our Ininew values.

André Brandt Photography
André Brandt Photography

We observe our Seven Sacred Teachings to foster respectful attitudes and behaviours in all our business dealings.

While we choose to adopt modern business practices, we take great care to honour the ways of our ancestors who always worked the land and lived in harmony with it for generations.  When you do business with PBDC, you’ll know that our team is open, respectful, honest, and willing to face any challenge head-on with strength and character.  You’ll like doing business with us.

Our Seven Sacred Teachings

  1. Wisdom.

    We value and cherish knowledge, and know the importance of learning and its connection with personal growth.

  2. Respect.

    We respect others, their beliefs and to respect yourself. If you cannot show respect, you cannot expect respect in return.

  3. Courage.

    We face our daily problems and challenges with strength and character. Be brave to become an all around good person and help others who may need your help.

  4. Honesty.

    Be honest with yourself and others is to live in the spirit of how you were created. Choose honesty and kindness as your guides and happiness will follow you.

  5. Humility

    Humble yourself and know that no matter how much you think you know, you know very little and not everything.

  6. Truth.

    To know truth is to know and understand all of the original laws as given by the Creator, and to remain faithful to them. If you can live out these laws, you will know truth and lead a strong and healthy life.

  7. Love.

    Everyone needs and seeks the love of others. If one is not loved, then that person can be said to be truly alone. However, one is not truly alone if that individual can love themself. You must love yourself to be able to return love to others. Become your own best friend that you love.